Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto IV Disc??? by Raphael Essoo-Snowdon Mehr Infos zum Release

Grand Theft Auto IV has hit stores and looks like it will be the biggest video game of the year. When I opened up my copy of Grand Theft Auto IV for the Xbox 360 I found that the instructions were very lacking. Maybe Rockstar knows that nobody really reads the instructions. For those of you that do need instructions for the Xbox 360 version I have written some tips on how to use the various weapons. These tips will not only tell you how to fire weapons while walking the streets but also how to fire your weapon from your vehicle.

Grand Theft Auto IV Tips: Hand-to-Hand Combat
Let’s start with the weapon you were born with, your fists. Your fists, as well as any non-firing weapons are used different than your arsenal of guns. To hit someone with your fists, a knife, or a baseball bat you use the B button.

Grand Theft Auto IV Tips: Defense and Countering
Hand-to-Hand combat isn’t very powerful but you can actually defend yourself, unlike with other weapons. When somebody attacks you using hand-to-hand combat in Grand Theft Auto IV you can dodge the attack by locking on to your target with the left trigger button and pressing A just as your opponent is about to hit you. If you immediately follow up with B or Y after that then you’ll disarm your opponent if they have a weapon or counter their attack if they don’t have a weapon.

Grand Theft Auto IV Tips: Firing Guns
A good number of your firing weapons work the same way. Other than your hand-to-hand combat weapons, the sniper rifle, the grenade and the Molotov cocktail the rest of the weapons work the same way. You can either hold down the right trigger to start firing away and use the right joystick to move your target or you can first press the left trigger button to automatically lock on a target then start firing away with the right trigger button.

Grand Theft Auto IV Tips: Sniper Rifle
One of the weapons that work differently is the sniper rifle. Just like any gun you can press the left trigger button to bring up a target. But then in order to hit somebody from a long distance you must use the joysticks to aim your gun. With the left trigger button held down you can use the right joystick to move your target all around and press up and down on the left joystick will zoom in and out.

Grand Theft Auto IV Tips: Molotov Cocktails and Grenades
Both the Molotov Cocktails and grenades are items that can be thrown. Unlike other weapons you have to be careful not to just hit the right trigger button without targeting somebody because you will simply drop the weapon at your feet. If you drop the grenade at your feet you’ll at least have time to run for it. But drop a Molotov cocktail at your feet and you’ll set yourself on fire.

First use the left trigger button to lock on a target then throw with the left trigger button. The Molotov cocktail will explode on contact. The grenade has a timer so it will go off after a certain amount of time once you press the right trigger. If you want the grenade to explode soon after you throw the grenade then hold the grenade longer, but be careful not to hold on to it too long or it will blow up in your hand.

Grand Theft Auto IV Tips: Using Weapons in Vehicles
Like in previous games Niko can fire weapons from inside a vehicle. If Niko is in a vehicle with a window then press LB to break open the window. Press LB again to fire your weapon. The X button will scroll through your weapons if you’d like to change and in this game you can even drop grenades out of the car to leave a surprise for those following you.

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