Top Five Nintendo Wii Spiele Frühjahr 2008

E3 2009 Sony Media Briefing - the new IP Agent, from Rockstar games, exclusive to PS3 by Pop Culture Geek


Mit Blu-ray gewinnen die Format-Krieg und viele erwarteten Spiele kommen in diesem Jahr sind viele Analysten sagen voraus, dass die Playstation 3 wird im Jahr 2008 explodieren. Sony hat einen guten Start in diesem Frühjahr mit vielen Spielen aus großen Namen Franchises, darunter auch einige aus ihrer eigenen. Hoffentlich werden diese fünf Spiele werden genug, um uns zu binden wieder, bis die ganz großen Titel (Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, LittleBigPlanet und Resistance 2) bereit sind. Hier sind die Top fünf Playstation 3 Spiele der spring.5. Hot Shots Golf: Out of BoundsPublisher: Sony Computer Entertainment, Entwickler: Clap Hanz, Release Date: March 18, ESRB-Bewertung: eSpring ist hier, das bedeutet besseres Wetter für den Golfsport. Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds ist das neueste Sony-Franchise, um den Sprung auf die Playstation 3 zu machen. Wie kam der Übergang ging? Wie wäre es am besten aussehende Golfspiel aller Zeiten? Die Golfplätze im Spiel sind einfach atemberaubend vor allem in HD. Ansonsten Out of Bounds hat den gleichen großen Spielspaß gekoppelt und robuste Online-Funktionen, die Hot Shots Golf Franchise beliebt gemacht. 4. Haze Publisher: Ubisoft, Entwickler: Free Radical Design, Release Date: May 20, ESRB-Bewertung: M ursprünglich für vergangenen Weihnachtsgeschäft geplant, wurde Haze verzögert geben dem Spiel ein wenig mehr polieren. Die Entwickler benötigt die zusätzliche Zeit, weil Haze ist ehrgeizig, mit 4-Spieler-Co-op für lokale und Online-Spielen. Für trennt dieses Spiel von anderen Ego-Shootern ist die Verwendung von Nectar. Das Medikament kann Ihren Kräften, aber es können auch Sie Amok. Haze wurde über-sah vor allem aufgrund der schlechten frühen Builds, aber seien Sie versichert, das Team hinter dem TimeSplitters Serie wird eine andere unterhaltsame Shooter bieten.

3. Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment, Entwickler: Polyphony Digital, Release Date: April 15, ESRB-Bewertung: E ​​Gran Turismo 5 Prologue ist nicht wirklich die volle nächsten Generation-Rennspiel jeder ist zu hoffen (daher der Name); die voll funktionsfähige Version von Gran Turismo 5 wird Ende 2008/2009 erreichen. Aber nicht nennen es eine Demo. Dieser Titel hat genügend Funktionen, um vielen Rennspielen konkurrieren: unmatchable 1080p Grafiken, rund 40 verschiedene realistisch modellierte Autos, einen Videokanal des wirklichen Lebens Motor Shows und zum ersten Mal in der Serie, Online-Spiel für bis zu 16 Spieler. Gran Turismo 5 auch in den Kinderschuhen steckte, ist ein Auto-Enthusiasten feuchter Traum. Ganz zu schweigen von der Titel zu einem reduzierten Preis von 39,99 $ kommen.

2. MLB 08: The Show Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment, Entwickler: Sony Computer Entertainment, Erscheinungsdatum: 3. März ESRB Rating: E ​​Mehr als alles andere, Federmittel den Start der Baseball-Saison. Lassen Sie sich von der letztjährigen Spiel täuschen. Obwohl groß, es war einfach Spring Training für Sonys MLB Franchise. Jetzt mit einem festen Griff auf die Hardware hat Sony die ante so viel für MLB 08: The Show, dass EA Sports verlegen sollte. Es ist nicht nur das am besten aussehende Baseball-Spiel aller Zeiten, ist das Spiel auch mit Inhalt (Stunde des Kommentars, Nachrichten und Partituren von MLB, etc) und Funktionen (Online-Liga spielen, Road to the Show, etc) verpackt. Unnötig zu sagen, Baseball und Sportbegeisterte sollten Sie nicht verpassen MLB 08: The Show. Ein. Grand Theft Auto IV Publisher: Rockstar Games, Entwickler: Rockstar Games, Release Date: April 28, ESRB-Bewertung: RP Man könnte argumentieren, dass Playstation 2 nicht würde das Ungetüm es heute ist, ohne die Grand Theft Auto-Serie haben. Vice City und San Andreas, trotz großer Erfolge waren eher Spin-offs als echte Fortsetzungen. Grand Theft Auto IV wird das meistverkaufte Franchise Konsolen der nächsten Generation neu zu erfinden. Mit raffinierter Gameplay, wird patentierte Sandbox-Gameplay und Online-Multiplayer, der vierte Teil der legendären Serie der größte nächsten Generation Titel auf mehrere Konsolen in einer langen, langen Zeit getroffen werden. Ohne Zweifel ist Grand Theft Auto IV die beste Playstation 3 Spiel veröffentlicht in diesem Frühjahr.

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Grand Theft Auto 5

Grand Theft Auto 5 by Tyler Burgess

You can never quite trust everything that you read on the Internet these days, unless there is a confirmation from the official source. Case in point, the leaked screenshot that you see above allegedly shows off the release date for GTA 5 (Grand Theft Auto 5), which is a hotly anticipated gaming title from Rockstar Games. After all, we have already discovered GTA 5 vehicle names in Max Payne 3, not to mention a Rockstar employee’s CV hinting at an October 2012 release for GTA V as well. The screenshot above shows an alleged data page for Grand Theft Auto 5 that shares vital statistics such as the release window, the confirmation of a PC version, a possible co-op mode and perhaps online multiplayer capability of (hard to believe) up to 64 players. It is like Quake 2 all over again, just with more mayhem.

Since this is a leaked screenshot, it goes without saying that a certain amount of blur comes with the territory, and what you see does not disappoint. I suppose that in the case of hardcore GTA fans, they would echo the words of Fox Mulder, “I want to believe.” Do you?

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GTA 5 Vehicle Names Found by Gamers in Max Payne 3
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Seen at: gameranx  

gta 5 rockstar games Grand Theft Auto 5 für PC

GTA IV voice actor Michael Hollick demands more compensation

As you would expect from a Grand Theft Auto title, GTA IV made over $600 million in two weeks and continues to climb. It’s to be expected, considering the series has been one of the most popular in video game history and has fans from all gaming genres completely addicted to it’s violent charm. When I think about how much work goes into each part of the game itself (As I do with countless other games as well), I find myself always coming back to the same question that dances in my brain unanswered until today.

What do these voice actors get paid?

Well, according to Michael Hollick, who you might know better as the voice of Niko Bellic, GTA IV’s resident immigrant, thinks that the amount of compensation is pathetic at best. The man has a Myspace page with hundreds of thousands of views, has had his character and his voice spoofed on Saturday Night Live, and has become an icon in games and all over the internet, yet he was only paid a measly $100,000 for his 15 months of voice work. Is this completely ridiculous, or just the product of some outdated and twisted Hollywood pay standards?

Try both.

There are no provisions for payment in media such as games and the internet, so voice actors in games get paid Screen Actor’s Guild wages. Normally that’s not such a bad thing, but when you look at the hundreds of millions that the GTA series always seems to pull in, and the pittance that was left for it’s obvious star, you begin to see why this guy might be a little irritated.

According to a New York Times interview with Hollick, he claims he blames the union itself for not having creative protections available for their actors. “Obviously, I’m incredibly thankful to Rockstar for the opportunity to be in this game when I was a nobody, an unknown entity. But it’s tough, when you see Grand Theft Auto IV out there as the biggest thing going right now, when they’re making hundreds of millions of dollars, and we don’t see any of it.” Hollick stated, clearly understanding why he isn’t seeing the money, but feeling he certainly deserves it.

Who can blame him? His voice has been heard by almost every single person in the country, and will be a permanent part of countless people’s game collections for decades to come. So why is he being so pleasant when he’s out, quite literally, millions of dollars? Rockstar might have the answer, but they declined to comment on the New York Time’s article with Hollick. When Hollick himself felt the need to find some answers, he said he “asked about residuals when we negotiated, but I was told that it was not a possibility.”

Even with the trailer for this game alone, making close to 40 million hits online, there is no guarantee that Hollick will see another cent for all of his work with GTA IV. “That’s my voice all over it, and I get nothing. If that were a radio spot, I would have. Same thing for the TV ads. I recorded those lines for the game, but now they’re all over television.” He goes on to say to the Times. Even extra time and effort put into the intense marketing for this game has been for naught to Hollick.

I tip my hat to the way Michael has been taking all of this back-and-forth with Rockstar and the Screen Actor’s Guild. Just hearing about the amount of money he could have had vs. what he actually saw sickens me, I can honestly say that. But through all of the stress and irritation Hollick has been facing, he maintains a sense of humor and a pleasantly outspoken need to remind everyone how hard he works. Aside from dialog and commercials, GTA IV had scenes that demanded a bit more from Hollick than most voice actors have even come close to doing.

“We would have 50 pages of screaming, 10 pages of being shot, 10 pages of being thrown off a roof, 20 pages of being burnt alive, just screaming. The ones being burnt alive were the best.” Hollick comments, at least having a bit of fun with the role he was so massively underpaid for.

So where does this leave the voice actors of the future in the video game industry? Only time, and some necessary compensation standard revisions, will tell.

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Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto IV Disc??? by Raphael Essoo-Snowdon Mehr Infos zum Release

Grand Theft Auto IV has hit stores and looks like it will be the biggest video game of the year. When I opened up my copy of Grand Theft Auto IV for the Xbox 360 I found that the instructions were very lacking. Maybe Rockstar knows that nobody really reads the instructions. For those of you that do need instructions for the Xbox 360 version I have written some tips on how to use the various weapons. These tips will not only tell you how to fire weapons while walking the streets but also how to fire your weapon from your vehicle.

Grand Theft Auto IV Tips: Hand-to-Hand Combat
Let’s start with the weapon you were born with, your fists. Your fists, as well as any non-firing weapons are used different than your arsenal of guns. To hit someone with your fists, a knife, or a baseball bat you use the B button.

Grand Theft Auto IV Tips: Defense and Countering
Hand-to-Hand combat isn’t very powerful but you can actually defend yourself, unlike with other weapons. When somebody attacks you using hand-to-hand combat in Grand Theft Auto IV you can dodge the attack by locking on to your target with the left trigger button and pressing A just as your opponent is about to hit you. If you immediately follow up with B or Y after that then you’ll disarm your opponent if they have a weapon or counter their attack if they don’t have a weapon.

Grand Theft Auto IV Tips: Firing Guns
A good number of your firing weapons work the same way. Other than your hand-to-hand combat weapons, the sniper rifle, the grenade and the Molotov cocktail the rest of the weapons work the same way. You can either hold down the right trigger to start firing away and use the right joystick to move your target or you can first press the left trigger button to automatically lock on a target then start firing away with the right trigger button.

Grand Theft Auto IV Tips: Sniper Rifle
One of the weapons that work differently is the sniper rifle. Just like any gun you can press the left trigger button to bring up a target. But then in order to hit somebody from a long distance you must use the joysticks to aim your gun. With the left trigger button held down you can use the right joystick to move your target all around and press up and down on the left joystick will zoom in and out.

Grand Theft Auto IV Tips: Molotov Cocktails and Grenades
Both the Molotov Cocktails and grenades are items that can be thrown. Unlike other weapons you have to be careful not to just hit the right trigger button without targeting somebody because you will simply drop the weapon at your feet. If you drop the grenade at your feet you’ll at least have time to run for it. But drop a Molotov cocktail at your feet and you’ll set yourself on fire.

First use the left trigger button to lock on a target then throw with the left trigger button. The Molotov cocktail will explode on contact. The grenade has a timer so it will go off after a certain amount of time once you press the right trigger. If you want the grenade to explode soon after you throw the grenade then hold the grenade longer, but be careful not to hold on to it too long or it will blow up in your hand.

Grand Theft Auto IV Tips: Using Weapons in Vehicles
Like in previous games Niko can fire weapons from inside a vehicle. If Niko is in a vehicle with a window then press LB to break open the window. Press LB again to fire your weapon. The X button will scroll through your weapons if you’d like to change and in this game you can even drop grenades out of the car to leave a surprise for those following you.

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Have been on Photosafari

I made some Pictures in the last months – please tell me when you like them:

Rotting pier at Fort Flagler by solo.steve

Tell me if you like them – i love to discuss the photos with you!

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GTA 4 + iCEnhancer by Brerlappin

This is a video of a heavily modded PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV that has a functional time traveling DeLorean added. Like, you can actually use the car to time travel in-game. Plus there’s a Marty McFly skin. I’m actually playing through GTA4 on the PS3 right now while waiting for Borderlands 2 to drop, and my God is this game repetitive. Now I remember why I bailed out halfway through the first time I tried to finish it. If they don’t spice up the game mechanics in the new one I don’t know if I’m gonna be playing. Still, there will always be a special place in my heart for running over pedestrians and driving on the sidewalk. Sometimes I even text and play for added realism!

Hit the jump for the worthwhile video (Note: says ‘shit’ at the very beginning because Doc Brown is a badass).

Thanks to Omega, christopher and Rubbin, who agree everybody deserves a crazy scientist friend like Doc Brown in their lives.

Complete with helicopter chasing, garbage trucks, and an old-school propeller plane. This batch of screenshots is called “Business.”

Still no word on a release date or platforms for Grand Theft Auto V. This is the third set of screenshots developer Rockstar Games has released this week in what has been an excruciating (yet gorgeous) drip feed.

Rockstar says they’ll be back to tease us more in a few weeks.

Grand Theft Auto V

Simpsons Hit and RunPublisher: VU Games
Developer: Radical Entertainment
Genre: Adventure
ESRB: Teens (13 +)
Platform: PlayStation 2Overall Rating:17/1003/25
Fun Factor:
The Simpsons: Hit and Run is the best Simpsons game I’ve ever played (and yes, that’s included the ever-loved arcade side-scrolling beat-em-up from the early 90s.) While the execution of the GTA-with-the Simpsons idea isn’t flawless, it’s far better than I expected it to be, and is actually a much more fun game than the 3D GTA games.

One of the things that makes it so fun lies in the characters, who actually have depth to them, unlike the GTA games, where the characters tend to be little more than cliches and stereotypes. This depth transcends into the voice acting, which adds quite a bit of in-game personality to them, and injects some laughter into the mix as well. The in-jokes and references to episodes give a quick laugh as well, like the hidden garden on top of the Kwik-E-Mart, and the trailer park from Colonel Homer (complete with the “__ days since a tornado” sign.)

The game begins with you running a few quick errands right after seeing a loading screen with “Study shows that 90% of video games begin with easy tutorial missions” or something to that effect, self-referential humor at it’s finest. Anyways, after these missions are through, you’ll get down to business and have to do some serious work, which entails meeting people, destroying things, and grabbing goodies. After this is over, you’ll head home, watch TV, and see a Kent Brockman news break that gets the story rolling. Kent goes live to the Mayor’s office where he’s dealing with a mob complaining about the black surveillance vans and cameras that are all over the place. The Mayor is outraged that these hidden cameras and surveillance vans have yet to show any sexy footage, and swears to get to the bottom of it.

As you progress through the game, the plot will thicken and take some nice, unexpected turns. Hit and Run utilizes nearly everyone in the Simpsons universe, which is a nice touch, while using the Simpson family and Apu as the playable characters. Each character has their own pros and cons, which you will have to be aware of while traversing the town on foot. Each character also has their own wardrobe with outfits from past episodes (such as Homer’s mumu, Lisa’s “cool” clothing, and other such memorable outfits. The various vehicles driven by the characters are also taken from classic Simpsons episodes, and have their own unique traits which you will have to become used to on-the-fly, as you might not have time to drive around with them before a mission. Also, if you don’t like any of the Simpsons-character-specific vehicles, feel free to steal one from a citizen.

You progress through the game by completing each full level for a character. The levels are comprised of varying numbers of missions, some missions are easy and quick, some are long and arduous. Thankfully, most of them are fun. If you commit a hit and run on a pedestrian, the cops will come after you, unlike in the GTA games, stealing a car isn’t enough to warrant them chasing after you, given Springfield’s lazy cops, this shouldn’t come as a shock. Also, to my delight, getting caught by the cops will only yield a $50 fine, unlike the GTA games, where you will most likely be hunted down and killed on sight. This lighter, more friendly version of GTA is certainly refreshing. The game never takes itself too seriously, which is nice to see. Most of the GTA-esque elements in the game are executed quite well, with hand-to-hand combat being done a little better thanks to smoother controls. The diverse gameplay styles really work well in this game, as they have some structure to them, as opposed to the GTA games, which just sort of throw a ton of styles out there without any real focus on any of them.

Sadly, the game does have its’ fair share of faults. The most glaring one is having to buy clothing and vehicles to complete a mission, now this would be fine if coins were copious in all areas, and it was never hard to find them, but sometimes, you will be stuck without coins, say if you’ve gotten a few hit and run tickets, and you’ll have to build your coins up one-by-one by destroying things, or, if you’re lucky, you’ll find some Buzz Cola boxes or cameras to destroy, which can net you about 20 coins apiece, sadly, those tend to be few and far between when you actually need them. This adds quite a bit of monotony to the game, and really kills the usually fast pace of things. After dealing with this just one time, I decided to always stock up on coins, even if it meant blowing a chance to finish a mission, as I could always retry the mission. So always keep a nice surplus of coins handy, because you never know when you’ll need them.

The polygonal graphics are fantastic, and the characters look spot-on barring some odd coloring choices. Picture everyone in the Homer in 3D part of one of the Treehouse of Horror episodes, and you’ve got a pretty good idea as to what you can expect from this game visually. The game’s look was seemingly modeled after that segment, and I’m glad it was, as it is replicated perfectly here. The animation when running around on foot is a bit on the light side though, which is disappointing. Thankfully, the little touches in the graphics help make up for that. Being able to see all the damage a vehicle takes is a nice touch, and adds some realism to a surreal game. Also, the various Simpsons landmarks look fantastic, both inside and out. For example, the Kwik-E-Mart’s interior is laced with arcade games and a bargain bin, just like on the show, while the exterior, as I mentioned earlier, has the secret garden on it. These kinds of touches are all over the game, and really help envelop you in the Simpsons’ world.

One of the key highlights of the show is the audio, and that holds true for the game as well. The show’s main voice cast was used very well, with Homer and Bart getting in some of the game’s best lines thanks to Dan Castellaneta and Nancy Cartwright’s brilliant portrayals of their characters. Hearing the “I am Evil Homer, I am Evil Homer” bit in the show had me in stitches every time it was said. Likewise, Bart’s many one-liners were great as well, with some real gems being used. Most of the other characters in the game have some nice quips as well, but they don’t translate well to a game where most of their speech is limited to one line, so their lines tend to not be as memorable. The music in the game is great as well, with lots of jazz music for Lisa’s missions, some nice, relaxing music for Homer, and the Simpsons theme playing constantly. The only real downside to the music for me was the horrible heavy metal music used for most of Bart’s missions, even the banjo tune that plays when you face off with Cletus is better than the generic stuff used for Bart.

If you’re a die-hard Simpsons fan, you’ll got a lot of replay value from this game. There are tons of collector cards to unlock, which, unlike the packages in the GTA games, actually have a tangible reward for them in the form of a nice, fun bonus racing game. Plus, barring the monotonous stuff, which can be avoided with a little trial and error, it’s a fun game through-and-through. Having the option to save after every mission helps to make the time just fly by, and it makes the game more pick-up-and-play friendly, plus, there is also a mission skip feature is in the game, but it is only made available after your sixth restart for a mission, which gives you a nice reward for replaying a mission that you just can’t get done for whatever reason.

In the end, Hit and Run is a great GTA-esque game that does some GTA stuff better than the originals. The gameplay is fantastic, sure it has its’ faults, but they can be overcome with some practice. The controls are fantastic, and the graphics do a great job at capturing the characters. The voice over work is done well, with some characters being doing more justice than others.

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