Acer Iconia Tab A700 (2) by ENOVINY.COM

Die besten TV-Nerds  Wer denkst du ist die beste Nerd im Fernsehen heute? Ich bin nicht allzu vertraut mit den heutigen Nerds. Allerdings kann ich die besten Nerds von 80 und 90er Jahre TV-Kommentar! 

  1. Screech und Violet Bickerstaff (Saved by the Bell) 

  Screech ist die Nummer einer Person, die den Sinn des Fernsehens, wenn ich denke, Nerds kommt. Erinnern Sie sich an Violet Bisckerstaff? Tori Spelling spielt Violet, Schreech das Mädchen, in ein paar Episoden. 

  2. Alle unter einem Dach (Family Matters) 

  Urkel ist der nächste unangenehme Charakter, und Sie können ihn auf einem Dach zu sehen. Er war ein Sonderling über die Oberseite, die ein Auge auf seine Nachbarin, Laura.Winslow hatte. Jaleel White gemacht Urkel berühmt, als er seine Hose hoch spannte, tanzte den Tanz Urkel, und stieß einen urkomischen Schnauben. 

  3. Paul (Wunderbare Jahre) 

  Paul war Kevins adorable nerdy Freund auf die Wunderbare Jahre. Sie würden ihre Banane Fahrräder überall fahren wie Paul analysiert alles, was Kevin tat und sagte. 

  4. Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons) 

  Lisa Simpson ist das genaue Gegenteil von ihrem Bruder Bart. Sie finden ein Buch lesen oder ohnmächtig auf ihrem Saxophon, während Bart ist irgendwo immer in Schwierigkeiten. 

  5. Ross (Friends) 

  Es gibt viele Damen gibt, die mit meinen Dork Status von Freunden Ross würde nicht zustimmen. Verteidige mich, ich muss jeder von seinem Job als Paläontologe und seine ständigen Pannen erinnern, wenn sie versuchen, um Rachels Herz zu gewinnen. 

  6. D.J. (Roseanne) 

  Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob D.J. war ein Sonderling, oder einfach nur seltsam. D.J. Roseanne war der jüngste Sohn seit vielen Jahren in der Show. (Bis der Show schriftlich bekam seltsam, was Roseanne schwanger und in der Lotterie gewinnen in der letzten Saison.) 

  7. Kimmy Gibbler (Full House) 

  Es verwirrt mich immer, warum Kimmy Gibbler war befreundet mit DJ Full House auf. Sie hatten nichts gemein, und sie war ein Ärgernis für DJ `s Familie. Ich schätze, sie war dort für komödiantischen Wert, obwohl ich eigentlich nie fand sie sehr lustig. 

  8. Alex P. Keaton (Family Ties) 

  Alex. Alex P. Keaton trugen Anzüge jede Show und sprach über seine Jahre Geschwister und Eltern. Michael J. Fox, der Alex spielte, war das Gehirn in den 80er Jahren zu beobachten und jetzt ist eine erstaunliche Inspiration im wirklichen Leben, wie er mit Parkinson-Krankheit kämpft. 

  9. Carol (Growing Pains) 

  Die Kämpfe waren gut zwischen Carol und Mike auf Growing Pains. Ich habe nie wirklich viel für Carol betreut. Doch, ich liebte es, wenn Mike neckte, damit ich es war eine gute Entscheidung, diese Streber in der Show haben zu denken! 

  10. Dwight Schrute (The Office) 

  Dwight nicht in den 80er oder 90er Jahre erscheinen. Allerdings kann er nicht unbemerkt. Dwight Schrute ist die lustigste Nerd im Fernsehen heute. Er scheint immer etwas sagen oder tun, die genauso umständlich wie es laut lachen lustig ist. 

Weite-Flugpiste-Flughafenrollbahn (wallpaper)


Date: 12/20/11

Weite-Flugpiste-Flughafenrollbahn (wallpaper)

lenovo IP U450p by tomokohorita

Ray Lane calls out Hurd in his letter to The New York Times in October, 2010.

The bottom line is: Mr. Hurd violated the trust of the Board by repeatedly lying to them in the course of an investigation into his conduct. He violated numerous elements of HP’s Standards of Business Conduct and he demonstrated a serious lack of integrity and judgment

After Apotheker announced HP plans to buy Autonomy — another enterprise software company — for $11.7 billion in August, Oracle couldn’t contain itself.

In a statement on September 28, 2011, Oracle said Autonomy had shopped itself to Oracle first and Oracle turned it down. When Autonomy CEO Mike Lynch denied that, Oracle said: “Either Mr. Lynch has a very poor memory or he’s lying.”

When there was further denial, Oracle put out another statement entitled “Another whopper from Autonomy CEO Mike Lynch” and helpfully published the PowerPoint slides it said he and banker Frank Quattrone brought to the meeting.  The presentation is here and here.

According to the statement:

Ably assisting Mike Lynch’s attempt to sell Autonomy to Oracle was Silicon Valley’s most famous shopper/seller of companies, the legendary investment banker Frank Quattrone.  After the sales pitch was over, Oracle refused to make an offer because Autonomy’s current market value of $6 billion was way too high.

The next chapter in this saga may be a trial on HP’s remaining claims against Oracle which should kick off in April, but stay tuned: anything can happen and usually does.

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  • Why the big data startup boom will likely be short-lived

Ray Lane calls out Hurd in his letter to The New York Times in October, 2010.

The bottom line is: Mr. Hurd violated the trust of the Board by repeatedly lying to them in the course of an investigation into his conduct. He violated numerous elements of HP’s Standards of Business Conduct and he demonstrated a serious lack of integrity and judgment

After Apotheker announced HP plans to buy Autonomy — another enterprise software company — for $11.7 billion in August, Oracle couldn’t contain itself.

In a statement on September 28, 2011, Oracle said Autonomy had shopped itself to Oracle first and Oracle turned it down. When Autonomy CEO Mike Lynch denied that, Oracle said: “Either Mr. Lynch has a very poor memory or he’s lying.”

When there was further denial, Oracle put out another statement entitled “Another whopper from Autonomy CEO Mike Lynch” and helpfully published the PowerPoint slides it said he and banker Frank Quattrone brought to the meeting.  The presentation is here and here.

According to the statement:

Ably assisting Mike Lynch’s attempt to sell Autonomy to Oracle was Silicon Valley’s most famous shopper/seller of companies, the legendary investment banker Frank Quattrone.  After the sales pitch was over, Oracle refused to make an offer because Autonomy’s current market value of $6 billion was way too high.

The next chapter in this saga may be a trial on HP’s remaining claims against Oracle which should kick off in April, but stay tuned: anything can happen and usually does.

Related research and analysis from GigaOM Pro:
Subscriber content. Sign up for a free trial.

  • Report: How Mobile Cloud Computing Will Change Tech
  • Report: The Future of Data Center Storage
  • Why the big data startup boom will likely be short-lived

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Looks like everyone wants a piece of the ball. We have a competition running for the honors of building a stadium for the Houston Dynamo Soccer Team. Four cities are vying for the attention of the Dynamos. Currently Houston Dynamo plays their home matches at University of Houston’s Robertson Stadium. It is a 32,000 seat sports stadium located in southeast Houston. A three-year lease has been signed for the Dynamo team to play at the stadium while plans for a soccer-specific stadium are finalized.

December 15, 2005 the San Jose Earthquakes were relocated to Houston, because owner AEG’s did not secure a soccer-specific stadium and the Dynamo were created. Hence the rush to get a stadium built to host the MLS team’s home turf near or in Houston. Dynamo finished their first season in Houston with a record good enough for second place in the Western Conference. In 2006, the Dynamo defeated the New England Revolution to win the 2006 MLS Cup held at Pizza Hut Park in Frisco, Texas. With the win, the Dynamo advanced to the 2007 CONCACAF Champions’ Cup. This is could be a real money maker for the economy in Houston or who ever the lucky city will be. At this point Sugar Land, Houston, Pearland and Webster have shown interest in building a stadium for the Dynamos.

Last week the Sugar Land City Council agreed to move forward with the development of an entertainment district that would include a 20,000-25,000 seat stadium that could be used by the Dynamo. In addition to the stadium, the entertainment district would 16 tournament-level and recreational soccer/football fields and a 7,000 seat indoor performing arts center. Councilman Michael Schiff said he believes Sugar Land has what it takes to attract the Dynamo. “I think we have the demographics; I believe we have the interest and I believe the Dynamo also realizes that,” Schiff said.

Pearland and the team have discussed a possible site for the complex near Texas 288 and Beltway 8. Luck said the Dynamo have conducted preliminary engineering work there. Fred Welch, executive director of the Pearland Economic Development Corp., would not confirm that the city had submitted a proposal to the Dynamo or provide specifics on it.

“What I like about Pearland is the timing of this all, because they’re really in a massive growth spurt,” Dynamo team president Oliver Luck said. “Being able to potentially plan something like (a soccer stadium complex) in with all the other stuff that’s happening is very gratuitous timing.”

Webster’s economic development director, Betsy Giusto, would not confirm that the city had submitted a proposal to the Dynamo or provide specifics on it. She has previously said that there are several possible sites in the city for a stadium complex. Oliver Luck said the team has conducted preliminary engineering work in every city except Webster. “The ball is in Oliver’s court,” Giusto said. “We’re waiting on Oliver.”

Houston is focusing on a downtown locale just north of Minute Maid Park for the soccer plans.

Apple Mac Set Up 2010 by iCork

Michael Jacksons Mutter klagt AEG über den Tod von Michael Jackson leben, wie bei Rolling Stone berichtet. Katherine Jackson, die 80-jährige Mutter des verstorbenen Michael Jackson, sagt AEG Live fahrlässig bei der Einstellung von Dr. Conrad Murray, und sie sagt, die Konzertveranstalter setzen Bedenken für die Gewinne über die Gesundheit und Sicherheit von Michael Jackson. AEG Live ist verantwortlich für die This Is It Konzert Plan, der aufgrund von Michaels Tod endete. Zusammen mit AEG Live, Michael Jacksons Mutter Namen Produzent Kenny Ortega, der Regisseur von Jacksons This Is It Film, als Angeklagter.  Du meinst, ein Konzertveranstalter verantwortlich gemacht werden kann? 

  Michael Jacksons Mutter sagt Michael gezwungen war, litt trotz Arbeit "Gedächtnisstörungen, Appetitlosigkeit, Austrocknung, und das Fehlen von Energie." Der Anzug sagt AEG drohte das Konzert Plan zu stoppen, wenn Michael nicht auftauchte für Proben und das, weil Jackson konnte nicht schlafen, geht in Dr. Murray mit der tödlichen Dosis von Propofol und andere Medikamente. Die Klage behauptet auch, dass AEG nicht tat Lager Michaels Hause aus mit "den entsprechenden Herz-Lungen-Reanimation Ausrüstung" und einer Krankenschwester zu beaufsichtigen. 

  Wenn Dr. Conrad Murray ist für Michael Jacksons Tod verantwortlich machen, ist Michael Jackson als auch schuld? 

  Michael Jacksons Mutter verantwortlich macht Dr. Conrad Murray, der live-in Arzt von Michael Jackson, der mit unfreiwilliger Totschlag-geladen worden ist. Dr. Murray hat auf nicht schuldig plädieren, und ein vorläufiges Datum des 4. Januar 2011 hat für die Studie festgelegt wurde. Im Falle einer Verurteilung Gesichter Murray bis zu vier Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt. Ergebnisse von Jacksons Autopsie ergab, seinen Körper enthaltenen Propofol und anderen Drogen, dass Dr. Murray gab er verabreicht wird. 

  Ja, Dr. Conrad Murray die tödliche Dosis verabreicht, aber Jackson hatte von Schlaflosigkeit klagte und bestand darauf, dass die schweren Medikamente, die er nahm, arbeitete trotz der Warnungen von seinem Hautarzt, Dr. Arnold Klein, der Michael über Propofol verwarnt. Klein war nicht der Einzige. So auch Michael Amme, Cherilyn Lee. Jackson bat Lee für das Medikament zu ihm mit der Schlaflosigkeit mit seiner Angst über die damit verbundene Hilfe Dies ist es Konzerte, aber Lee weigerte sich, es ihm zu geben. 

  Sollte eine solche Warnungen diskontiert werden? Auch wenn Sie nicht haben, von einem professionellen gewarnt worden, wann kommt der gesunde Menschenverstand ins Spiel kommen? Propofol ist nicht über den Ladentisch. Es ist etwas, dass Sie in einem Krankenhaus gegeben sind. Wenn Michael Jacksons Mutter verklagt AEG Live für nicht Strumpf Jacksons Haus mit der richtigen Geräte zur Reanimation, weiß sie daher denke, es ist vernünftig, Michael Propofol genommen zu haben? Schließlich ist Propofol eine gefährliche Droge, die Menschen zur Vorbereitung der Operation schlafen legt, es ist nicht als etwas Schlaf Hilfe, nachdem gerade The Late Show verwendet werden. 


  Michael Jacksons Mutter verklagt Konzertveranstalter für Fahrlässigkeit, Time 

  Daniel Kreps, Firma Concert In Michael Jacksons Tod Süd, Rolling Stone 

  Jolie du Pre, Janet Jackson nicht sehen können Das ist es und wirft Dr. Murray für Michaels Tod, Associated Content 

  Jolie du Pre, Dr. Conrad Murray: Seine Patienten Love Him Trotz Homicide Investigation, Associated Content 

  Gil Kaufman, Michael Jackson Arzt Conrad Murray den Versuchsaufbau im Januar, MTV 

  Gil Kaufman, What Is Propofol Und warum wurde Michael Jackson Angeblich nutzt es?, MTV 

Refined, minimalistic or just plain bland: Microsoft’s new logo for Windows is prompting far more reaction than you might expect from four skewed squares. Revealed yesterday after a spate of low-profile leaks, the logo is – according to Microsoft’s Windows team itself – as much an homage to the earliest, pared-down graphics of Windows 1.0 as it is a nod to the Metro UI that has become the theme of Windows Phone, Xbox LIVE and, soon, Windows 8 itself. Complaints about the new logo have generally centered on its insipid lack of distinctiveness, but according to the designers themselves this is merely the first step of many incoming changes.

Microsoft used external design agency Pentagram to create the new logo, and according to that team the sharp-edged icon should be seen as the first of a new language. The existing flag-like shape has been flattened out and made crisp, and other Microsoft products and services will make similar evolutions too. “Marks that fit into this perspective have been created for other Microsoft brands and programs,” Pentagram reveals, “but have not yet been implemented.”

Ironically, while Microsoft’s Principle Director of User Experience Sam Moreau argued that the old Windows logo had become bloated and distracted by the lure of 3D graphics, garish colors and unnecessary animation, the new logo is most convincing when it’s in motion. Pentagram created various video clips and motion studies to show how that could work – as well as convince Microsoft execs that the logo was more evolutionary than revolutionary.

One of Windows Phone’s quieter pleasures is its slick use of animation. Page transitions, drop-down logos and notifications, even the multitasking app-switcher interface all move cleanly and smoothly; it’s far more consistent than Windows Mobile, and leaves the interface feeling modern and responsive. Unfortunately it’s one of those aspects that really requires hands-on time to appreciate, hence Microsoft (and Nokia) putting so much of its smartphone marketing focus for 2012 on encouraging in-store play by potential consumers.

Microsoft describes Metro as “Authentically Digital” – shedding the faux-metal finishes, the artificial textures and fake shadows – and it’s a clarity and cleanness that Windows on the desktop (whether regular PC, notebook or tablet) has needed for some time. If the company can transition some of Windows Phone’s smooth charm in motion to the PC, along with Metro, as the thinking behind the new Windows 8 logo suggests is the intention, then the refreshed OS may just achieve exactly what it needs to: looking not just polished in screenshots, but feeling genuinely cohesive at the hands of its users.

Microsoft Readies Windows 8 For App Store Games (The Verge)
Microsoft is preparing a line up of games for the Windows 8 operating system that consumers will be able to purchase on the upcoming Windows Store. The games will be part of a new app-like experience for Windows users, making it easier to download apps for a Windows PC. Microsoft will take 30% of the proceeds, the same percentage taken by Facebook and Apple. But Microsoft will reduce its take to 20% after an app reaches $25,000 in sales. The preview version of the store is expected in late February (likely the same event as above).

Google Picking Up Yahoo Search Share (Business Insider)
For the second month in a row, Yahoo lost significant share of U.S. searches, according to ComScore, falling 0.4 points to 14.1%. Google seems to have picked up most of its losses, and is now at 66.2% while Bing has been on a slow but upward trend and stands at 15.2%. Although Bing powers Yahoo’s search, Microsoft keeps all the money from search advertising on Bing, while Yahoo takes close to 90% of the ad money from searches on Yahoo. So this is bad news for Yahoo. Also, the deal between Microsoft and Yahoo has done nothing to stop Google.

The Post-PC Era Is Upon Us (Various via Scoople)
There’s been a debate lately as to whether the iPad can fit into the so-called PC category. Or is there room for a third category in the middle of a smartphone and a PC. Given the copious amounts of data released last week detailing the rise of the tablet and smartphones outpacing PC sales, there has been much debate about what the post-PC era is, when it will arrive, or whether it’s already here. We likely crossed the imaginary line from the “PC” era to the “post-PC” era at the end of 2011.

Microsoft Adds Another OEM To The Game, LG Launching Windows Phone (PocketNow)
LG is planning to introduce a mid-range Windows Phone. An image of the device has surfaced and it’s reportedly the same handset as the LG Fantasy that was revealed in a leaked roadmap in December. The smartphone is expected to sport a 4-inch super-bright NOVA display, 1GHz Snapdragon single-core processor, 8GB of internal storage, front-facing VGA camera, and a 5-megapixel rear-facing camera capable of 720p video capture. The device will likely be unveiled at Mobile World Congress later this month.

NEC Classic Car Show November 2011 by BMW Car Club GB & Ireland

Heads up small-medium sized business owners, if you’re shopping about for a new monitor, or several new ones for your office, you might be interested in taking a look at what NEC has recently unveiled in the form of the AccuSync AS241W 24” model, which is the latest addition to their AccuSync series of monitors which have been known to be somewhat value for money.

While NEC is targeting the small-medium sized business sector, education and government industries with the AS241W, we don’t see why regular folks like you and I can’t get our hands on it, especially if the monitor’s specifications are to our liking. In terms of specs, the NEC AS241W will be NEC’s first 24” 16:9 model in their AccuSync range and will feature a maximum resolution of 1920×1080 Full HD.

It will also sport LED-backlighting, 1000:1 contrast ratio, 300cd/m2 brightness and a response time of 5ms. The NEC AS241W will also feature a energy-saving ECO mode that allows users to toggle between pre-configured brightness settings. This is expected to help with the reduction of power consumption, heat generation and supposedly helps extend the life of the display. It is expected to be released n February and will retail for $239.

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accusync as241w nec 

The axe is set to fall over at NEC Corp in Japan with just about one in 10 of its workers to be cut. NEC has announced that is set to lay off 10,000 workers as it attempts to claw its way out of the red and back into the black. One reason cited for the job losses is stiff competition posed from rivals from foreign countries such as Apple. NEC blames the poor performance and the job cuts on soft demand for its mobile phones.

Another reason cited for the job cuts and the poor performance of the company is that foreign companies are pressing in on NEC’s traditional turf in the IT infrastructure realm inside Japan. Along with the significant job cuts, NEC is also warning that it is set to post a massive net loss of 100 billion yen or about $1.3 billion. That loss would be posted for the year ending March 31. That massive loss certainly caught analysts by surprise with expectations being a profit of 15 billion yen.

Along with reports of job cuts and the giant loss, NEC is also slashing what it expected to ship in the mobile phone side of its business down to 5 million phones. That is a reduction of about 25% in mobile phone shipments reports Reuters. The job cuts will be finished by the end of September with about 7,000 of the jobs slashed to be in Japan and the remainder to be cut abroad. NEC’s Nobuhiro Endo says that the cost of layoffs will result in a charge of ¥40 billion for the current financial year, but in the next financial year, the restructuring will result in an additional ¥40 billion in income for the company.

[via Reuters]

Moschino C c – Bright Red Twist vorne Seidenkleid

529.00 Schweizer Franken Größen: IT 38 (D 34),IT 40 (D 36),IT 42 (D 38),IT 44 (D 40) Bright Red Twist Front Silk Dress: Stylishes Cocktailkleid aus reiner Seide – in einem leuchtenden Signalrot – das Kleid ist ultra feminin geschnitten, hat einen weichen, soften Fall, umschmeichelt die Figur, inszeniert weibliche Silhouetten – der Look: romantisch […]

Moschino C c – Bright Red Twist vorne Seidenkleid

The Acer Revo 100 RL100 provides a sleek and thin PC-based entertainment device that fits perfectly in most home entertainment setups, but although the Acer Revo 100 RL100 boasts several great features, it also has a few drawbacks as well.


Considering the sleek and thin form factor of the Acer Revo 100 RL100 home theater computer, it’s amazing that it has the hardware features that it does, but the hardware of the Acer Revo 100 RL100 is only impressive when compared to its form factor. Desktop computers have become more advanced and cheaper over the years and the 1.3GHz dual-core processor, maxed out 4GB of RAM, and subpar graphics card of this this entertainment computer leave a lot to be desired ‘” especially when considering its price point.


Price will usually be a major factor when considering virtually any tech device, and while the Acer Revo 100 RL100 isn’t ridiculously expensive, it is a bit too expensive for what it offers and the service that it provides. In order to nab the Acer Revo 100 RL100 entertainment computer for you home theater setup, you’ll have to shell out $499 ‘” which is over $200 more than the competitors and is far too much for a computer that sports the specs of this entertainment computer. It’s likely that most of the Acer Revo 100 RL100’s price is due to its size and entertainment niche, because nothing else justifies the $500 price tag of this computer.

Touchscreen Response Time

Not only is the 1.3GHz dual-core processor, 4GB of RAM, and subpar nVIDIA graphics card of the Acer Revo 100 RL100 a bit sluggish, but this entertainment “nettop” features an innovative touchscreen keyboard and navigator that’s undesirable as well. At first glimpse, the Acer Revo 100 RL100’s touchscreen device seems like an innovative product that can offers 40 feet of range, has multiple touchscreen modes, and provides a unique way to navigate a home theater computer, but it’s response time and lag make it a rather disappointing feature.

Home Theater Competitors

One of the biggest issues that most consumers will have with the Acer Revo 100 RL100 is that it’s a bit too expensive and a bit too late. Most users will wonder why they should spend $500 on a home theater desktop that plays Blu-ray disks and streams computer content, when a PS3 or Xbox 360 can handle most of its features for half the price. In addition to doing most of the Acer Revo 100 RL100’s features, a PS3 or Xbox 360 also features better graphics and are tailored to handle games ‘” making them more entertaining devices for a home theater setup.

Microsoft Booty by KrAzY KorY

Belstaff – Antique Cuero New Barkmaster Lady Ankle Boots

529.00 CHF Größen: D 37,D 38,D 39,D 40,D 41 Antique Cuero New Barkmaster Lady Ankle Boots: Sportliche Stiefelette aus cognacbraunem Leder – Vom italienieschen In-Label Belstaff – Aus weichem Antik- Leder – Zwei justierbare Schnallen – Mischung aus Chelsea-Boot und Motorrad-Stiefelette – Erinnert an den Stil der 60er Jahre – Extrem robust und top verarbeitet […]

Belstaff – Antique Cuero New Barkmaster Lady Ankle Boots

A couple of weeks ago I created a parts list for a custom PC that cost just under $1,000, including an LCD monitor, and a friend of mine told me I should bring the budget down more. So, after a bit of rearranging and reselecting my parts, I formed a $500 PC. Please note that this PC, unlike the $1,000 one, does not include a monitor; I simply didn’t have that much money to spend, and I figured you most likely already have one. Same rules apply as my other article: all prices are from, before tax and shipping but after mail-in rebates. So let’s get started:

CPU: Intel Pentium D 805

This processor is currently the cheapest dual-core processor on the market. For that matter, it’s only around $15 more than it’s single-core counterpart. So I figured, why not? It runs at 2.66GHz but has been reported to overclock like crazy, many bringing it up to around 3.4 or 3.6GHz. At the price you’re paying, you can’t really beat that. And even if you don’t feel like you need a dual-core now, the theme of this article is to save money, and buying a dual-core processor saves you money in the long run by keeping you from upgrading longer.

Price: $96.00

Motherboard: ECS RT410L/800-M 2.0

Running on an ATI Radeon XPRESS 200 chipset, this motherboard is really a bargain. It has all the essentials, like a PCI-Express x16 slot, two DDR2 slots, ports for 4 IDE and 4 SATA drives, and built-in audio, LAN, and even video, in case your video card breaks and has to be replaced. (This is a micro-ATX case, which probably won’t matter to you at all, since it’ll fit in a standard sized case. It’s just less expensive because it’s smaller.)

Price: $49.99

Memory: G.SKILL 1GB DDR2-667 (PC2-5400) dual-channel pair

It’s the highest speed the motherboard supports, at a decent latency (timings are 4-4-4-12), and enough to play games. Not much more to say. Dual-channel also makes it faster by doubling the interface bandwidth.

Price: $89.99

Graphics: SAPPHIRE Radeon X850XT 256MB

I chose the video card last, after all the other parts, so I could spend the most money possible on it. The top video cards today could actually be more than my entire budget, so you can see my motives. Anyway, this is a fairly well-performing card, and better than NVIDIA’s products of comparable price. It should be able to play almost any game you can throw at it, and at decent framerates for the price. It has 16 pixel pipelines and a 256-bit memory interface, which is quite good.

Price: $115.99

Hard Drive: Samsung 250GB SATA

A standard SATA hard drive, with 250GB of storage and a 7200RPM spin speed. It’s compatible with the SATA2 standard, so if you have a SATA2-supporting motherboard (which this setup doesn’t) you’ll have an interface bandwidth of 300MB/s. And 250GB should be enough to store plenty of data.

Price: $69.99

DVD Burner: BenQ Dual-Format, Dual-Layer Drive

The cheapest dual-layer DVD burner on the site. These days they’re so inexpensive that every new computer should have one. They’re practically giving them away. This one covers all the standard formats, with 16X DVD+R and DVD-R write speeds, 8X for DVD+R DL, and 4X for DVD-R DL.

Price: $27.25

Case: Broadway Com Corp 82-4HL Mid Tower w/500W Power Supply

Just your standard case and power supply, but it does have a couple of frills. It has side air vents for the CPU and video cards, plus a screen on the front with time and temperature information, along with a few other things. Inside the case you’ll find room for 4 5.25″ devices and 6 3.5″ devices, and a 120mm fan in the back, which will make less noise than a smaller one. The power supply is adequate and will be able to power the PC with these parts.

Price: $46.99

And there you have it. The final price of all parts is $496.20. And just think how much this would cost you from Dell, HP, or any other computer manufacturer. (Yes, I know there are other costs involved, the biggest one being Windows, for which a full-version Home Edition license costs you $200 or so, but it’s still quite comparable, and you have a lot more versatility with your own Windows CD than with a pre-installed version on a computer.)

Sony Wireless flash set-up by Tobes49

In der Woche nach der Virginia Tech Massaker, das am 16. April 2007 eingetreten ist, wurden Colleges, Universitäten, Gymnasien und Mittelschulen durch Gewaltandrohungen und intensive Diskussion im Klassenzimmer Sicherheit gestört. Doch für einen Professor, fühlte College Administratoren, dass er zu weit gegangen. Am Ende kostete ihn seinen Job. Emmanuel College, einem katholischen College in Massachusetts, feuerte außerordentlicher Professor Nicholas Winset für eine Diskussion und Nachstellung der Ereignisse, die während der Virginia Tech Massaker stattgefunden. Der Vorfall ereignete sich am MITTWOCH, 18 April, 2007, nur zwei Tage nach der Virginia Tech Massaker.  Als Reaktion auf den Brand geschrieben Professor Winset eine Antwort auf You Tube. "Während der Demonstration gab vor Winset einige Studenten zu schießen. Dann ein Schüler zu schießen Winset um seinen Standpunkt, dass der Schütze gewesen sein könnte gestoppt, hätte ein anderer Student oder Mitglied des Lehrkörpers bewaffnet gewesen illustrieren tat." (ABC News) Winset besagt, dass die Demonstration nur aufgetreten, um beide Seiten der Pistole Debatte, die seit Fegen hat die Vereinigten Staaten im Gefolge der schlimmsten Amoklauf in der Geschichte des Landes zu veranschaulichen. Leider glaubt Professor Winset, dass seine Entlassung wird ehrliche Debatte an den Hochschulen in den USA zu ersticken. "Winset, 37, argumentierte, dass die katholische Schule der freien Künste war stickig freie Diskussion durch Brennen ihn, und er sagte, der Umzug wäre eine" abschreckende Wirkung "auf offene Debatte haben." (ABC News) Winset glaubt, dass er hatte die Freiheit zu diskutieren und nachspielen die Veranstaltung als er für richtig hielt. Er erklärte, dass College-Professoren Beamten aufgefordert, einen offenen Dialog mit ihren Klassen im Hinblick auf die Virginia Tech Tragödie haben. 

  Während Winset die Methoden dürfen nicht in den guten Geschmack gewesen sein, vor allem so kurz nach der Tragödie, allerdings unter der 1. Änderung der Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten, hat er das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung. Als Ergebnis der ihn gefeuert hat, sendet er die Nachricht an den Schülern, dass sie nicht frei sind, ihre Gefühle offen auszudrücken in Bezug auf Waffenbesitz und der Virginia Tech Massaker. Stattdessen werden Themen rund um die Veranstaltung nicht erlaubt zu eitern und sind ungelöst. Wie Colleges und Universitäten im ganzen Land einen Blick auf ihre Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, braucht freie und offene Debatte geführt werden. Zum Beispiel, eine aktuelle Detroit News Artikel besagt, dass drei der Universitäten Michigan – Michigan State University, Western Michigan University und Eastern Michigan University – bereit für Notfälle Campus sind. Doch für eine wirklich effektive Notfallplanung Ort für eine Veranstaltung wie an der Virginia Tech, eigenen Ideen und Meinungen, als auch solche von Pädagogen, Administratoren und Mitarbeiter, müssen berücksichtigt werden, stattgefunden haben. 

  Quellen – 

  ABC News Artikel. "Professor feuerte über Virginia Tech Diskussion." 

  Detroit News Artikel. "Drei staatlichen Universitäten sagen, sie sind bereit für den Notfall." 

  You Tube-Video. "Fired Professor Speaks Out 4.4." 

Illustration-Historische-Passanten (Illustration)


Date: 11/19/11

Illustration-Historische-Passanten (Illustration)

Spec-wise, the Excite has a 10.1" 1280×800 display with an IPS panel and Gorilla Glass covering the screen (fixing our only two complaints with the Thrive's otherwise excellent display panel). It's running TI's OMAP 4430 inside clocked at 1GHz. The higher clocked OMAP 4460 (1.5GHz) didn't fit in the thermal envelope Toshiba was shooting for with the Excite, there just wasn't enough heat being dissipated to handle the increased clock speeds. The Excite does lose the full-size ports of the Thrive, though that makes sense given that a standard size HDMI connecter is actually thicker on its own than the entire chassis of the Excite (!). The units we went hands on with had Ice Cream Sandwich installed on them, the final device may ship on either Honeycomb 3.2 or ICS depending on when the Excite hits retail as well as how long it takes Toshiba to finalize the ICS port for the Excite.

I must say, I'm absolutely in love with the industrial design of the Excite. It also feels great in hand, a completely opposite experience from the original Thrive. It's a very premium feeling device, and it has a surprisingly solid frame even with the utter lack of thickness. I'm really impressed to see how far Toshiba has come in terms of design and quality since the Thrive was shown off here last year. Toshiba envisions the Excite as a premium level product slotting above the Thrive, so the Thrive will still be sold alongside the Excite. MSRP is $529 for the 16GB and $599 for the 32GB, price points that I think are on the optimistic side given that a similarly premium design-oriented product launched recently with the Tegra 3 quad-core SoC for $499/599 for 16GB/32GB. Availability is expected close to the end of Q1, and we'll definitely have an evaluation unit to look at when it does hit market.

This week we’ve got the opportunity to take a peek at Toshiba’s second Thrive tablet, this one a 7-inch device with many of the same specifications as its 10-inch relative. It’s got the same rubbery ridged back and no less than a 5 megapixel camera and a 2 megapixel camera to keep you video chatting and snapping pics galore. This device is set to be not necessarily the next generation device for Toshiba but a companion release for the 10-inch version that came out last year.

You’ll be working with an NVIDIA Tegra 2 dual-core processor, wi-fi, and a 1280 x 800 pixel resolution display on the front. That’s sharp as heck. Have a peek at the video we’ve got flipping this tablet around back and forth and whatnot as much as you could possibly want without actually stepping up to Best Buy to check this device out yourself. You’ve got the ability to access all your favorite Tegra Zone games as well as the most high-powered applications on the market, no problem.

We’ve got a bit more information on Toshiba items from this show (we’re at CES 2012, by the way, if you did not know,) and we’ve got more content than you can shake a cloud at. Have a peek at our [Toshiba portal], our portal for [CES Live], and our more general portal for [CES 2012] for all announcements.

ALSO this tablet starts at $379 for the 16GB version – get it or explore your options – good luck!

Polycom, a company that manufactures and sells telepresence and voice communications solutions has announced a partnership with Lenovo that will see its video conferencing software being shipped with the latter’s future laptops and tablets. This is the first time a PC manufacturer has announced to provide certified Polycom-ready devices – a pretty big deal since Lenovo is the world’s second largest PC maker.

In the first half of 2012, Lenovo will offer select ThinkPad tablets and laptops that are certified Polycom-ready, specifically for RealPresence Mobile and RealPresence Desktop software. We’ll be seeing Lenovo’s ThinkPad T, X, L and W Series laptop as well as the ThinkPad tablet (expected in the first half of 2012) to ship with Polycom RealPresence software.

Related articles:
Lenovo IdeaPad and ThinkPad tablets to get Ice Cream Sandwich next quarter
Levnovo IdeaPad Y470p up for pre-order
Lenovo and NAF launches pilot program to teach app programming in high schools

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lenovo polycom 

As usual, a big chunk of the news out of the Consumer Electronics Show this year revolves around bright-and-shiny devices. But this time out, those devices are acting as the Trojan horses for the hardware makers’ cloud vision.

Backend cloud services are now pretty much required as hardware companies struggle to build more intimate relationships with PC or tablet buyers to keep them coming back for more. With the exception of Apple Macs, most desktop and laptop PCs are seen as pretty much interchangeable: People buy what’s cheapest.

At CES, Acer showed off a new slim Ultrabook measuring 15 mm thick at its fattest point and weighing less than three pounds. But, more importantly, the company also launched AcerCloud, which will let PC users store and retrieve their files any time. Cloud access will come with all new Acer consumer PCs. The effort was promptly slammed as a blatant knock-off of Apple’s iCloud.

In that same vein, Lenovo announced Lenovo Personal Cloud along with its new hardware. Lenovo’s own verbiage shows what these hardware companies are trying to do. Lenovo’s “personal cloud vision” marks:

the transformation of the company from a “personal computer” manufacturer to a “personal cloud solution” provider that integrates hardware, software and cloud computing together

The wrinkle here is that these PC makers – Acer, Hewlett-Packard Lenovo, Toshiba, Dell et al., are competing not only against each other but against nimbler new-age companies that offer cloud-based storage, compute and application services without being tied down to a hardware albatross. That means Acer and Lenovo are also competing with the likes of Dropbox, and others as well as Amazon which is using its Kindle franchise as the storefront to its massive online store.

The beauty of the cloud computing model, which conceals so much complexity from the user as reported here, is that it can deliver very easy to obtain and consume services without requiring much technical savvy on the part of that user. Hardware makers now know they have to be in this game to make their endpoints desirable in this increasingly connected world. In short, they’re offering more cloud services to keep themselves — and their hardware — relevant.

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Billions In The Pipeline

Yesterday two bits of interesting news popped up around Samsung. Foremost, Boy Genius Report said that BlackBerry maker Research In Motion was pushing hard to be acquired by the Korean manufacturer. While we have come to discount BGR and its never-ending line of “sources close to the situation,” it is a testament to Samsung that it would even be considered in such a large and ambitious acquisition. Today, Reuters reports that Samsung has no interest in purchasing the woeful Canadian smartphone manufacturer.

While Samsung purchasing RIM is an oddball blip in the frenetic technology news stream, the real news from Samsung yesterday has a much more tangible impact. According to the Wall Street Journal, Samsung has money to burn. The company plans on investing $41.6 billion in 2012 to help drive growth to its various verticals, including smart televisions and smartphones. That is a rise from $36 billion the company spent last year.

“Samsung has decided to make the biggest-ever investment of 47.8 trillion won ($41.6 billion) this year in order to solidify its dominance in key businesses in the global market and to dominate new growth areas in advance,” The Wall Street Journal reported.

Purchasing RIM would probably not constitute a “new growth area” for Samsung. It is the leading smartphone manufacturer in the world and second largest cellphone maker behind Nokia. BlackBerry is a dying platform and device line that would be a great weight around Samsung’s neck much like Motorola will weigh down Google if the search giant does not spin out the device manufacturer if the acquisition is approved.

No other company outside of Apple in the device ecosystem has the type of clout and cash to back it up as Samsung. Look at what Apple does with its billions to control its supply line for components in iOS devices. One of the reasons that the iPhone and iPad are so profitable is that Apple makes large deals for components looking years, not months, down the line. It makes Apple very hard to compete with when it has a steady supply of displays or processors locked up at reasonable prices. Samsung is the manufacturer of the A5 chip that runs the iPhone 4S and even though the two companies are battling in patent courts around the world, The Wall Street Journal says that business relationship is still in tact.

The report says that Samsung is likely to spend many of those billions of dollars locking up components. It is a page straight out of Apple’s playbook. For a company that is often accused of copying Apple, this may be one the smartest acts of mimicry Samsung could make.

Putting Pressure On The Ecosystem

Samsung does not just thrive because of its prominent place within the OEM environment, but also in how it effects the business decisions of other companies trying to compete with it. As we noted last week, Samsung has set the standard for how the Android/Windows Phone ecosystems deals with the mobile carriers in the United States. By accepting the desire of the carriers to have differentiated Android devices on shelves, Samsung forces the hands of other manufacturers such as HTC, Motorola and LG to come out with different and unique smartphones and tablets. To a certain extent, this is not a bad thing. One of the reasons that Android does so well is that it competes against itself. There is depth and differentiation in the Android ecosystem and that is not a bad thing. Fragmentation is a different issue.

What Samsung, like Apple, does is cast itself as a leader. The game is now to follow the leader. When you have to chase a strong frontrunner to a certain extent you have to play by the rules that the leader sets. Either that or differ from the leader so wildly so as to be seen as “unique.” Examples of that would be how T-Mobile and Sprint try to differentiate themselves from AT&T and Verizon (which are much more symbiotic than you would guess at first glance) by having different data plans and devices.

Samsung dominance is not all about smartphones and processors though. The company is the leader in television manufacturing as well. Our founder, Richard MacManus, was impressed with how the company “doubled down” on smart TVs during the Consumer Electronics Show last week in Las Vegas. Samsung dominance in TVs and its ability to connect them to the Internet via Android or other software makes it very hard for new entrants into the ecosystem, such as Apple. Samsung is likely trying to lock down as many device components to smart TVs for years to come in the same way that Apple does with its iOS devices. That is the most tangible way a company can protect its most profitable vertical.

The fact of the matter is that Samsung is strong, getting stronger and will dictate to the rest of the market, not the other way around. Depends on your perspective, but that could be good or bad for the rest of the ecosystem.

Samsung sinking $1bn into its Apple chip facility is only the tip of the iceberg for the Korean company’s 2012 investment plans, with a whopping $41.4bn expected to go into incubating new tech and streamlining existing production. Samsung Group will most likely pitch the biggest chunk of its fund into system chips for phones, tablets and digital cameras, Reuters reports, along with OLED displays such as the panel used in the 55-inch Super OLED Smart TV the company demonstrated at CES last week, and which is expected to go on sale by the end of the year.

The range of investments will span everything from building factories to R&D, as well as mergers & acquisitions and hiring new staff. Samsung expects to take on around 26,000 new team members in 2012, potentially bringing its global total to as many as 376,000.

80-percent of the investment will go through Samsung Electronics, particularly Samsung Semiconductor and Samsung Mobile Display. Analysts predict the company will boost processor spending by 1 trillion won over 2011, and OLED spending by 2 trillion won, with LEDs, LCDs and battery technology also sharing in a windfall.

“No other IT company can beat [Samsung] in terms of investment” NH Investment & Securities analyst Lee Sun-tae said of the company’s R&D plans. Samsung has said it will unveil a Google TV set later in 2012, while the company has revealed plans to merge its bada smartphone OS with open-source Tizen, with the first handsets also expected to go on sale this year.

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Date: So 04 Okt 2009 15:11:46 CEST

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